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Speak to one of our dedicated administrators

01905 796 682

MON - FRI: 9:30AM - 3:30PM
(excluding public holidays)

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The healthcare scheme
For serving police officers, police staff and their families

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A not for profit scheme
That offers brilliant value for money

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Fast access
To expert diagnosis and excellent medical care

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dedicated healthcare scheme

Bluline's medical healthcare scheme has been specifically designed for police officers, police staff and their families. Our purpose is to deliver support in the event of ill health or injury to help you get better and back to work as quickly as possible. We do this by providing access to a fast, professional diagnosis and top quality medical treatment.

Designed for you and your family

Police officers 

Serving police officers are often aware of the risks associated with injury - both work and non-work related...

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Student Officers

Experience shows that it is crucial to have good medical cover in place right from the get-go...

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Police Staff

Our healthcare scheme is also available to police staff and their families, so we can all benefit...

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Our healthcare partners

nhs nuffield ramsay new medica Spire Healthcare
Call centre woman

Become a member

We have worked hard to make it easy for you to join Bluline. There is no medical examination, no awkward questions, and minimal form filling. Use our online price calculator to see exactly how much it will cost.

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Any questions?

If you do have any questions call

01905 796682

MON - FRI: 9:30AM - 3:30PM
(excluding public holidays)

to speak to one of our friendly administrators
or submit your enquiry and we’ll get back to you.

I found the staff at Bluline absolutely fantastic and very empathetic and they helped me to achieve what I needed to at what was a very worrying time.

Scheme Member

Bluline provide peace of mind that your family are going to be given medical care or intervention if required. It is fabulous value for money as you cannot put a price on what they have done for my family.

Scheme Member

Everyone I have dealt with is very supportive and they make the claims process easy and quick, so I have been able to return to work and support my family.

Scheme Member